Saturday, March 26, 2011

3 WEEKS...AND NO SMOKING !!! has been 3 weeks since I last smoked a cigarette....I'm happy to report that I'm no longer counting the days. Which can only mean one thing, it's not the only thing on my mind as it once was...every second, minute and day !  I feel great and have not gained one pound...walking 20 miles a day helps too.   I still have moments when I crave one, but it passes much quicker compared to when I initially quit.  Plus, I'm loving the skin looks healthier, my hair smells great and I no longer need to chew gum or a mint !!! YAYYYY
The eating has increased, however, eating healthy snacks and meals and constant exercise helps maintain my weight. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

DAY 12 & St. Patty's Day !!!!!

     In one sense, it feels like yesterday that I quit smoking...and yet, 12 days really isn't that long ago, and to most, it is considered yesterday...then again, 12 days for a smoker, feels like a lifetime !  So, although I want to give myself kudos, praise and a high-five, I'm feeling a bit undeserving. Here's why.....I STILL WANT ONE !  
      Tonight was a big test. I met up with the girls for a St.Patty's day drink, and while they consider themselves as "social smokers", meaning that they only smoke when they're drinking...they were enjoying their drink with a cigarette (the 2 go hand-and-hand), and tomorrow would come and go without an issue or desire for another....meanwhile, I was fixated at every puff, inhale, exhale and then a sip....I thought of just having one,... c'mon, it's St. Patty's Day, have a drink, a smoke and have fun....But I couldn't...I knew what it would do to me tomorrow, emotionally. The feeling of defeat and disappointment doesn't sit well with me.  I had a great time catching up with the girls, but I had to cut the evening short because the desire and temptation was overwhelming, which made me feel a bit defeated... Perhaps it was too soon!  Luckily, my friends are so supportive and encouraging.........Thanks Ally, Alex & you girls !
     Once I arrived back home, I prepared the perfect holiday snack (green of course) I cut up an avocado and mixed some salt & olive oil pressed from my family's olive trees back in Italy....and suddenly, it all went away !!!

A perfect ending to a great night !!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

QUIT SMOKING DAY 8 ! it is, day 8 and I'm feeling much better. The past couple of days were torture, ohhh the cravings.....but I discovered something else, it's not so much the chemical that i crave, rather, it is more the "companionship" that I am missing. I know, it sounds sick....and it is, by all accounts ! Again, the evil friend that you love to hate and terribly miss. The mind games are the worst experience of all.  Quitting cold turkey is not for everyone (why and who coined it "cold turkey"'s weird and what's the correlation !!!!.........anyway).
     My body was also going through periods of fatigue, light headed, dizziness and my voice changed for a day.  Needless to say, my body was not happy with me, begging for some relief...chewing gum, patch, electric thing that blows out vapor, something, anything........
......................................but i refuse.............................................
YIKES and OUCH !  So how does one overcome the cravings and physical torture. I have been trying a few things that really help with the symptoms and prevent weight gain;

  • For cravings - a small cup of coffee instantly helps, the caffeine works great. 
  • For the oral satisfaction - I keep healthy dips and spreads around to pick on with pita chips, like hummus, spinach, avocado, eggplant  or a shake with protein powder, fruit or yogurt.
  • For the anxiety - much much walking, or exercise.
  • For the fatigue - drink tons of water, nap if you can and plenty of rest.
         dips & spreads - you can use any vegetable that you like and make it simple, no need to get fancy...your under plenty of stress, so make it easy !  these recipes don't require exact measurements....make it to your liking, use 1 garlic clove or 5. 
For myself, I prefer plenty of olive oil.

- hummus - puree a can of chick peas, garlic clove (s), tbsp. of tahini or peanut butter, olive oil, 1/2 lemon and salt. (you can also add sun-dried tomato's, olive's, roasted peppers or whatever else you like)

- spinach -  puree a bag of fresh baby spinach, olive oil, salt, grated cheese and some leftover hummus.

- avocado -  puree or cut up 1 or several avocado's , salt, olive oil and feta if you have it.
- eggplant -  same as any one of the recipe's above. 

- Italian vegetable medley -  chop 1 onion, a few garlic cloves, a couple of potato's, 1 can of chick peas, 1 head of cabbage, can of whole tomato's, oilve oil, salt and crushed red pepper. throw in a large pot covered and let cook until tender.  ONE OF MY FAVORITE'S ! 

STAY TUNED.................

Friday, March 11, 2011

QUITTING SMOKING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just celebrated my birthday last weekend, and decided to give myself the biggest birthday gift ever...QUIT SMOKING !!! ...Hopefully for the last time.  I have been down this road before, and unfortunately began smoking again. Of course I can tell you a million reasons why I began to smoke, if your a smoker, you get this..."I was stressed out", "Started gradute school", "Changed jobs" and blah...blah...blah it goes on and on!   This time is different, I have "experience" now...I have a better understanding of my addiction and what works and doesn't that's why I'm hopeful that this time around will be a success. I have tried everything and finally discovered that nothing works...the only thing that works, which is the most powerful tool, "YOUR BRAIN" !!!! ...And WOW how it can MESS (for lack of a better word) with your brain.
The first few days are the most difficult...It's like having an "evil friend" who tries every which way, angle, word, phrase possible to convince you that you need smoke again..."Oh, C' quick puff and the anxiety will pass"..."Maybe you should quit next week"..." Just cut down to a few a day"....This evil friend tries to change my thoughts, sentences and perceptions of reality...."Oh, you didn't even smoke that much, it wasn't harmful"...It is a constant battle, and I'm convinced that it doesnt matter what smoking cessation you try....the bottom line is, it's your brain and your thoughts that determine if your gonna smoke or not !

It has been 6 days since I last picked up a cigarette....and, a few celebratory birthday drinks and several coffee's later....."AND NO CIGARETTE YET".....WOW....CRAZY, I KNOW !


"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."  A.E.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Feeling "stressed out" is's actually the perfect time for an individual to change their behavior associated with the cause. I always feel "stressed", but I am learning how to use that energy by turning it into something positive. I noticed that I feel more productive when I have this stressful energy. The key is to recognize what your feeling and prevent it from a downward spiral of loathing, anger, misfortune and any other negative thoughts. Run with'd be surprised at what you can do with all that energy !!!
Just always remind yourself that... "It could be worse"

There is no "right or wrong" way in life...rather, it's choosing the "best" path...

The Menssana is ready to "blog"

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein

Yes, I have finally confirmed that my constant thoughts of "whimsy" is more genius then daffy or flaky!  Thanks to my piscean friend A.E.