Thursday, March 17, 2011

DAY 12 & St. Patty's Day !!!!!

     In one sense, it feels like yesterday that I quit smoking...and yet, 12 days really isn't that long ago, and to most, it is considered yesterday...then again, 12 days for a smoker, feels like a lifetime !  So, although I want to give myself kudos, praise and a high-five, I'm feeling a bit undeserving. Here's why.....I STILL WANT ONE !  
      Tonight was a big test. I met up with the girls for a St.Patty's day drink, and while they consider themselves as "social smokers", meaning that they only smoke when they're drinking...they were enjoying their drink with a cigarette (the 2 go hand-and-hand), and tomorrow would come and go without an issue or desire for another....meanwhile, I was fixated at every puff, inhale, exhale and then a sip....I thought of just having one,... c'mon, it's St. Patty's Day, have a drink, a smoke and have fun....But I couldn't...I knew what it would do to me tomorrow, emotionally. The feeling of defeat and disappointment doesn't sit well with me.  I had a great time catching up with the girls, but I had to cut the evening short because the desire and temptation was overwhelming, which made me feel a bit defeated... Perhaps it was too soon!  Luckily, my friends are so supportive and encouraging.........Thanks Ally, Alex & you girls !
     Once I arrived back home, I prepared the perfect holiday snack (green of course) I cut up an avocado and mixed some salt & olive oil pressed from my family's olive trees back in Italy....and suddenly, it all went away !!!

A perfect ending to a great night !!!


  1. Keep it up Maria!!!! Think Healthy each time you decline a temptation!!!!

  2. KEEP IT UP!!!!!!!!! This is awesome! so proud of you!!!!

  3. i'm proud of you, you accomplished a really difficult physical addiction. your doing great!!! keep it up!!
